Where the buffalo roam

Support the daily care and management of South Lantau water buffalo

The water buffalo play an important role in South Lantau life.

Their constant landscaping keeps the mosquito population in check while their role in biodiversity is becoming increasingly clear.

Click here to show your support

Support a management plan that maintains water buffalo as part of our South Lantau countryside.

Support the care and management of South Lantau buffalo herds

Contribute to the South Lantau Buffalo Society

— Feeding scheme
— Donations
— Fundraising
— Committee

South Lantau’s country park and wetlands are home to a substantial diversity of wildlife, including the water buffaloes, Bubalus bubalis.

Introduced to Hong Kong over 100 years ago, water buffalo are not only a recognizable tourism draw, they are an important contributor to our wetland eco systems. The resilient buffalo keep wetlands healthy by eating plants that would clog rivers, creating small wallows that attract birds and other animals.

Unfortunately, our water buffalo are being managed to extinction. We advocate for a water buffalo management plan that maintains water buffaloes as part of our South Lantau countryside in perpetuity.

South Lantau Buffalo Society

Jean Leung, Chair

South Lantau Buffalo Society

South Lantau Life donates 10% of all community membership fees to the South Lantau Buffalo Society.

Posted: 16 August 2023

Author: South Lantau Life

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