Save the Water Buffaloes

Support a responsible herd management plan for South Lantau water buffalo

From Buffalo Jean — resident herds woman

Stop the indiscriminate de-sexing of the water buffalo on South Lantau.

Save the water buffaloes

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Support a management plan that maintains water buffalo as part of our South Lantau countryside.

Contribute to the South Lantau Buffalo Society
  • Feeding scheme
  • Donations
  • Fundraising
  • Committee

South Lantau’s country park and wetlands are home to a substantial diversity of wildlife, including the water buffaloes, Bubalus bubalis.

Introduced to Hong Kong over 100 years ago, water buffalo are not only a recognizable tourism draw, they are an important contributor to our wetland eco systems. The resilient buffalo keep wetlands healthy by eating plants that would clog rivers, creating small wallows that attract birds and other animals.

Unfortunately, our water buffalo are being managed to extinction. With a goal to desex all water buffaloes, there are only a few females that can bear young. We advocate for a water buffalo management plan that maintains water buffaloes as part of our South Lantau countryside in perpetuity.

We have only 1 surviving calf in the previous year, and no surviving calf this last year. If the policy of desexing continue the buffalo population will be vastly reduced over the next ten years and be gone completely in 30 years.

South Lantau Buffalo Society
REF CP/LIC/19/59395 – Jean Leung, Chair

Direct donations can be made by bank deposit to:

Chiyu Banking Corporation Ltd
Account No: 730-2-002708-5

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd
Account No: 741-254809-001

Author: South Lantau Life

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