- Animal Care Supplies
- Animal Rescue & Homing
- Animal Welfare
- Antiques
- Art & Handmade Designs
- Art & Music
- Automobile Services
- Catering
- Charities & Volunteers
- Conservation
- Fitness Studios
- Food & Groceries
- Government Agencies
- Groups and Organizations
- Marketing
- Outdoor Education
- Real Estate Agents
- Restaurants
- Sports & Recreation
- Veterinary Services
- Wellness
Butcher shop delivering chilled and frozen premium meat, seafood and produce sourced directly from farmers and fishermen around the world
Founder and publisher of South Lantau Life offering business support including social networks, community leadership, media training, holistic communications, creative promotions, integrated advertising and local event support
A South Lantau based community organization that promotes sustainable islands development
Amateur community sports club for paddlers and friends
Outdoor family experiences, beachfront western restaurant, beach chairs and watersports equipment rentals; summer surf camps
Chinese antiques
Drum jam team building and corporate events, school programs, birthday parties, live performance, African drum classes, free community activities
Guided all-day rides, afternoon shuttles and a half-day bike park exploration on single track, scenic adventures and groomed bike park trails
Car wash, steam cleaning and valet service
Educational and eco-tourism opportunities for children, adults, residents and visitors