Author: South Lantau Life
Shop sustainable for South Lantau cattle
Handmade with local treasures to raise funds for volunteers
These beautiful creations are handmade on South Lantau Island to raise money for South Lantau cattle care.
PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT SURVEY – South Lantau Tourism Corridor (closes 5pm Sunday 28 July 2024)
We need your voice — please take this short survey from wherever you are
We need your help and your voice and a few minutes of your time to ensure these magical places will be our legacy for your children.
We live in a beautiful world
Early mornings are often rewarded.
,Each dawn brings fresh promise with each new sunrise.
Revising the South Lantau Outline Zoning Plan
Converting green belt to residential, relaxing developments and deleting coastal reserve
A few minor amendments with annotations of some uses open the door to major development — deadline for public comment is 15 November 2023.
Continue reading “Revising the South Lantau Outline Zoning Plan”
Buy and sell online
The South Lantau Life store is open for business
There are many reasons to shop local and support small businesses.
Local news in bytes
South Lantau news and information in the local media
News and bytes for the local South Lantau community.
Continue reading “Local news in bytes”
Black rain, landslip and flooding
Record hourly rainfall and Shenzhen Reservoir release at midnight
UPDATE (4:45pm): All rainstorm signals lowered. Landslip warning remains in place.
Where the buffalo roam
Support the daily care and management of South Lantau water buffalo
The water buffalo play an important role in South Lantau life. Continue reading “Where the buffalo roam”
We live in a beautiful world
The calm before and after the biggest storm in a while
Super Saola was a 10. Nature has the power to stop everything.
T10: Super Typhoon Saola passes 30 km south of Hong Kong
Regular updates, typhoon preparation, local tips and all the resources
UPDATE: 2 September 2023
Continue reading “T10: Super Typhoon Saola passes 30 km south of Hong Kong”