Snakes in spring

Snakes are not aggressive. They are defensive. They will only ever bite if they feel threatened

From our resident snake wrangler

If there was a warning system for snake activity … it would be on red right now.

Spring season snake tips from resident snake wrangler William Sargent

We have had a few weeks of mild dry weather and suddenly the humidity has shot through the roof. It’s hot and sticky.

You only need to look at how many bugs, toads, snails are flying/jumping/crawling around at the moment to realise that a there is a surge of activity.

So … remember these simple precautions:

✅️ ALWAYS use a torch at night outside.

✅️ Watch where you put your hands and feet.

✅️ Give a check before you stick your hand under a bbq cover that is kept outside.

✅️ Look in the kids’ outdoor play house, look behind a plant pot before moving it etc, etc.

Just build this into your normal habit like you would look in the mirror before reversing a car or checking to make sure you have your keys in hand before locking the door behind you.

This will massively reduce your chances to a negative encounter.

It’s simply common sense.

Snakes are not aggressive.

They are defensive.

They will only ever bite if they feel threatened.

Thanks, William Sargent.

Spring season snake tips from resident snake wrangler William Sargent

Spring season snake tips from resident snake wrangler William Sargent

Hong Kong Snakes Safari


Author: South Lantau Life

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