Bikes and leashes don’t mix

Biking with your dog on a leash is riskier than it seems

it only takes one wrong move for serious injuries.

At TAILS Lantau, we know how bikes are a huge part of our daily lives. But we need to raise an important issue—biking with your dog on a leash is riskier than it seems and the consequences can be heartbreaking.

In a split second, your dog could get tangled, pull suddenly, or be startled by something as simple as a car or another cyclist. Even on quiet roads, it only takes one wrong move for serious injuries—or worse. We’ve seen it happen, and we don’t want anyone else to experience such a preventable tragedy.

We know you care deeply for your pets, so please understand this is not about criticism but about keeping everyone safe. If you absolutely need to bike with your dog, there are safer ways to do it. Consider special bike attachments that ensure a safe distance between your bike and the leash, or for smaller dogs, use secure bike baskets designed to protect them.

These precautions could mean the difference between a fun ride and a dangerous accident. Safety first—our dogs rely on us to keep them out of harm’s way.

Let’s protect our community and our beloved pets while continuing to enjoy the outdoors together.

By Tails Lantau

Tails Lantau

Charity Reg. 91/16904
ATL Exemption No. IND-00098

Author: South Lantau Life

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