Tails Lantau

Team for Animals in Lantau South (TAILS) is a registered animal welfare charity that depends on the dedication and passion of volunteers, and the kindness and generosity of donors and sponsors to continue working toward a world in which animal welfare is the norm, not the exception.

We offer education to encourage responsible animal handling and care, and provide medical attention, protection and nurture to animals in need, who have often been abandoned, neglected and abused. We are committed to de-sexing (spay/neuter) which aids in reducing the numbers of unwanted animals and their unnecessary suffering. Beyond animal rescue, TAILS further provides talks on animal welfare and behaviour.

PLEASE NOTE: TAILS is not an emergency service. In an animal emergency, call the SPCA emergency hotline on 2711 1000 or AFCD on 1823.

Instagram: @tails.lantau

By appointment
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