Living Islands Movement

Living Islands Movement

A South Lantau based community organization that promotes sustainable islands development

Living Islands Movement (LIM), 島嶼活力行動, is a Hong Kong community-based organization whose aims are to promote sustainable development on Hong Kong’s outlying islands; to create, for residents and visitors, a culturally and environmentally-rich preserve of land, sea, history, music and unparalleled natural beauty.

LIM aims to encourage the enrichment and animation of the islands of Hong Kong through sensitive and sustainable development for the benefit of the entire population of Hong Kong

LIM seeks to encourage the setting up of local groups towards this end to create a means of inter-group support and exchange of expertise and to undertake specific actions for the protection of the well-being of the islands, and the advancement of issues that benefit the islands

LIM is committed to working and co-operating with local residents, and governmental and non-governmental organizations to realize these quality of life goals on the islands of Hong Kong

LIM’s mission is to preserve in perpetuity the natural beauty of Hong Kong’s islands; to protect and restore the natural environment and to provide opportunities for ecologically-sensitive development and public enjoyment.

New members and volunteers are always welcome.

By appointment
Mui Wo