Revising the South Lantau Outline Zoning Plan

Converting green belt to residential, relaxing developments and deleting coastal reserve

A few minor amendments with annotations of some uses open the door to major development — deadline for public comment is 15 November 2023.

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Historic South Lantau Zoning amendments

The Town Planning Board today (15/9) released the proposed revised “Draft South Lantau Outline Zoning Plan No. S/SLC/22“.

Deadline for public comments:

15 November 2023

Send public comments to:

Secretary of the Town Planning Board,
15/F, North Point Government Offices
333 Java Road
North Point, Hong Kong

Noteworthy changes include:

1. Recommendations include converting part of the Coastal Protected Area (CPA) into Recreation (REC) or Government, Institutional or Community (GIC).

2. Convert part of the country park land (CP) into a conservation area (CA).

3. Convert part of the green belt (GB) into residential (Category C) [R(C)] (low-density residential) or government, institutional or community (GIC).

4. Change the annotations of some uses to relax some developments.

For example:

(m) Add “strata residential” and “zoo” to the second column of the “Green Belt” “Notes” and revise planning intentions.

(n) “Green Belt” “Building” in the second column of the “Notes” is revised to “Buildings” (according to the explanation page of the “Notes”, it is permitted to renovate New Territories exempted houses or replace existing domestic buildings with New Territories exempted houses) except for objects)”.

(o) Delete “Barbecue Place” from the second column of the “Green Belt” and “Coastal Reserve” zones in the “Notes” and add the relevant use to the first column of the “Notes”.

Learn more:

Recent research identifies the loophole as a major threat to the ecological health of South Lantau.

Learn to appreciate your greenbelts and the genius of long-term planning
Financial Times – by Alexander Lush, Lantau, Hong Kong (13 December 2015)
Hong Kong’s green Lantau island threatened by Gov’t Grey Cement
Prezzenza – by Clive Noffke, Lantau, Hong Kong (5 January 2016)

Two areas awarded protected status

The Regulated Area in the South Lantau Coast OZP spans 626 hectares across Fan Lau, Tai Long Wan, Shui Hau/Tong Fuk, Cheung Sha, Pui O, Shap Long/Chi Ma Wan, Chi Ma Wan Peninsula and Mong Tung Wan.

The area comprises a wide range of natural habitats, including woodland and shrubland, as well as two streams in Pui O and Tong Fuk that are considered ecologically important.

The area is considered to be of ecological value and subject to development pressures or environmental degradation risks. Limitations in the pre-amended Town Planning Ordinance meant the Director of Planning was not empowered to take enforcement action in these areas because of their location in OZPs.

The amended ordinance streamlines the statutory procedures on town planning and enhances enforcement provisions under the ordinance. It empowers the Director of Planning to take actions against unauthorized developments in Regulated Areas. – read full article

Read the full proposal

Deadline for public comments:

15 November 2023

Send public comments to:

Secretary of the Town Planning Board,
15/F, North Point Government Offices
333 Java Road
North Point, Hong Kong

Approved South Lantau Coast Outline Zoning Plan amended

The Town Planning Board today (September 15) announced amendments to the approved South Lantau Coast Outline Zoning Plan (OZP).

The amendments mainly involve (i) rezoning of two sites located in Pui O and Shui Hau respectively from “Coastal Protection Area” (“CPA”) and/or “Country Park” to “Conservation Area” to reflect the planning intentions to conserve the natural habitats; (ii) rezoning of two sites located in Pui O and Mong Tung Wan respectively from “CPA” and “Green Belt” to “Recreation” to facilitate low-impact leisure and recreational uses; (iii) zoning amendments to reflect the as-built conditions of existing facilities and other planned developments; (iv) rationalisation of zoning boundaries to address the differences with the Lantau South Country Park; and (v) incorporation of an area to the northwest of Fan Lau Sai Wan into the planning scheme area of the draft OZP.

Opportunity is also taken to amend the Notes and Explanatory Statement of the OZP to reflect the above amendments and to update the general information of various land use zonings and the planning scheme area, where appropriate.

The draft South Lantau Coast OZP No. S/SLC/22, incorporating the amendments, is available for public inspection during office hours at (i) the Secretariat of the Town Planning Board, (ii) the Planning Enquiry Counters, (iii) the Sai Kung and Islands District Planning Office, (iv) the Islands District Office, (v) the South Lantao Rural Committee and (vi) the Tai O Rural Committee.

Any person may make written representations in respect of the amendments to the Secretary of the Town Planning Board on or before November 15. Any person who intends to make a representation is advised to read the Town Planning Board Guidelines No. 29C on “Submission and Processing of Representations and Further Representations under the Town Planning Ordinance” (TPB PG-No. 29C).

Submission of a representation should comply with the requirements set out in TPB PG-No. 29C. In particular, the representer should take note of the following:

* If the representer fails to provide his or her full name and the first four alphanumeric characters of his or her Hong Kong identity card or passport number as required under TPB PG-No. 29C, the representation submitted shall be treated as not having been made; and

* The Secretariat of the Town Planning Board reserves the right to require the representer to provide identity proof for verification.

The Guidelines and the submission form are available at locations (i) and (ii) and the Town Planning Board’s website (

Copies of the draft South Lantau Coast OZP are available for sale at the Map Publications Centres in North Point and Yau Ma Tei. The electronic version of the OZP can be viewed at the Town Planning Board’s website (

Ends/Friday, September 15, 2023
Issued at HKT 16:00

HK Government Information Service – News Release (15 September 2023)

Approved South Lantau Coast Outline Zoning Plan amended

Any representations must be sent to the Secretary of the Town Planning Board, 15th Floor, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong not later than 15 November 2023.

Discussions about conservation in the absence of any amendment to the legislation loophole will not halt ongoing destruction in the officially zoned South Lantau Coastal Protection Area.

Ongoing research

A new academic research project launched is gathering scientific evidence regarding Lantau Island Biodiversity Conservation.

Concerns can be raised and evidence submitted via ”Tell me@1823” where all correspondence is monitored and followed up by relevant departments.

When receiving a reply that the relevant department is not participating, respond with a request to forward requests to the relevant department in order to receive a direct response that can be followed up.

Land filling, illegal dumping and development projects have escalated since the the 2023 policy address announcement that the loophole will be closed.

New wetland fences have been sprouting with the speed of invasive species.

The decades long process has been to alter the ecosystem illegally or with permissions granted for agricultural  use and then apply for planning permission on the basis that there is no biodiversity to conserve.

Surveyors are now as regular as the birdwatchers on the footpaths.

South Lantau is the canary in the coal mine on global diversity and this post includes relevant historical and current information regarding ongoing issues.

Please share this post far and wide to raise awareness.
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Community concerns

A recent application was brought to the community’s attention by Martin Williams of HK Outdoors.

The comments on application for “Temporary Holiday Camp and Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Barbecue Site) for a Period of 3 Years and Filling of Land” at Pui O closed on 30 June.

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Click here to review current applications

After I posted re proposed small but damaging development at Pui O, and replied to comment, found this article.

Maybe of some interest …

Many people move to South Lantau for the environment; hope that can also try and advocate for protection too …

South Lantau – Coastal Protection Area

In the Policy Address released in October 2017, the Chief executive Carrie Lam remarked on conservation objectives and reinforced the principle of “Conservation for the South” [of Lantau]. However, talking about conservation without making actual legislation amendment to address the legal loopholes has no use in halting the persisting destruction in the Coastal Protection Area in southern Lantau.

The Loophole

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Well known loophole

Closing the loophole was listed as a priority in the current policy address.

Research dating back to 1986 highlights the risk of undesirable developments leading to environmental destruction and the loss of freshwater marshes and other important habitats.

Concerned local residents using the ”Tell me@1823” will receive updates with messaging tools like the one below.

South Lantau Coast Outline Zoning Plan Loophole

South Lantau’s natural environment and biodiversity are at risk … read more

Planning Application

All development  include a public review process with newspaper announcements and online consultation forms where citizens are encouraged to review the detailed plans, raise local concerns and provide relevant feedback.

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Town Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Newspaper Notice

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Planning Permission Notice

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

Pui O Wetland Planning Application

The Outline Zoning Plan

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Unauthorized Wetland Glamping
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Coastal Protection Area
The Role of Buffalo in Conservation
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The Outline Zoning Plan

The  Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) identifies areas rich in biodiversity that must be protected.

South Lantau Coast Outline Zoning Plan

No departments have been granted authorization to enforce the legal protections.

Permissions have been granted for commercial development, taking advantage of the loophole … read more

The Loophole

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Lack of enforcement authority

Many current planning permissions granted for commercial development on South Lantau take advantage of a well known loophole in the Outline Zoning Plan (OZP).

Research going back to the 80s identifies lack of enforcement as a “major threat to the health of South Lantau”.

No action is required to make the existing use of any land or building conform to this Plan until there is a material change of use or the building is redeveloped.

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News and Other Articles

Review current planning applications
Unauthorized Wetland Glamping
Photos of Commercial Operations
The Enforcement Loophole
Coastal Protection Area
The Role of Buffalo in Conservation
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In the news

South Lantau – Coastal Protection Area (Trailwatch 30 April 2018)

Illegal Glamping in the Pui O wetlands (Around DB 5 October 2020)

New ‘glamping site’ on Hong Kong’s Lantau Island wetlands did not seek approval to set up tents by the sea, authorities say (SCMP 22 August 2020)

An upmarket campsite that sprung up in a Hong Kong conservation area last November was built without approval and ordered torn down in May, officials said, but is still standing months later. The Bull Wave Camp Plus appeared practically overnight along Lantau Island’s scenic southern coast, and opened with four large tents at Pui O beach, in a government-designated Coastal Protection Area well known for its open wetlands and herds of water buffalo. Its website advertises a fully furnished tent with Wi-fi, hot showers, and kitchens, for up to six people at HK$2,880 a night, while a tent for up to eight costs HK$3,200.

Unauthorized Wetland Development

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AN Illegal Development

Unauthorized glamping

Posted in : Life On Lantau ArticlesNews on 

Illegal glamping in the Pui O wetlands


Pui O’s wetlands made headlines again in August, when some 5,000 residents signed a Save Lantau Alliance petition demanding that an unauthorised campsite near Pui O Beach be removed. Bull Wave Camp Plus was built without approval last November in a government-designated Coastal Protection Area well known for its open wetlands and herds of water buffalo. It remains in place despite an order issued in May by the Lands Department demanding that it be taken down.

The controversy over Bull Wave Camp Plus is only the latest incident to reveal that the Pui O wetlands are under threat. Landowners need to gain Planning Board approval for all plans to build camping grounds or holiday camps within the protected zone, as well as for any landfilling or excavation, but they continue to put up illegal structures and try to introduce new uses for their property.

Photos of Commercial Operations

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photos taken 25 June 2023

These are the before and after photos everyone seems to like.

Unauthorized glamping on Pui O wetland
This photo was taken at the edge of the wetland 20 paces west of the illegal “land filling” to illustrate the lost biodiversity. Fiddler crabs live(d) here.

This photo was taken at the edge of the wetland 20 paces west of the illegal “land filling” to illustrate the lost biodiversity. Fiddler crabs live(d) here.

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland
This photo taken at the edge of the wetland 20 paces east from the above photo.

This photo taken at the edge of the wetland 20 paces east from the above photo illustrates filling that took place without any planning applications that may have been approved nevertheless in the absence of wetland protection enforcement mechanism.

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

The development sits behind the municipal facilities next to the Pui O Beach campground.

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

This photo was taken 4 July 2015

Illegal Glamping on Pui O Wetland

The Role of Buffalo

Review current planning applications 
Unauthorized Glamping on Pui O Wetland
Photos of Commercial Operations
The Enforcement Loophole
Coastal Protection Area
The Role of Buffalo in Conservation
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New research

A new scientific research project was launched on 28 June 2023 to gather evidence regarding The Role of Buffalo in Lantau Island Biodiversity Conservation.

The Loophole
Save the Water Buffaloes
The Role of Buffalo in Lantau Island Biodiversity Conservation
The Last Frog Concert

Review current plans

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Unauthorized Glamping on Pui O Wetland
Photos of Commercial Operations
The Enforcement Loophole
Coastal Protection Area
The Role of Buffalo in Conservation
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review current plans

View current planning applications.

Use this link to review current planning applications online and submit comments where available.

Even if the deadline has passed, concerns can be raised and evidence submitted via ”Tell me@1823” where all correspondence is monitored and followed up by relevant departments.

Land filling, illegal dumping and new development projects have escalated since the announcement that the loophole will be closed. New wetland fences have been sprouting with the speed of invasive species in the months following the CE’s 2023 policy address. The decades long process has been to alter the ecosystem illegally or with permissions granted for agricultural  use and then apply for planning permission on the basis that there is no biodiversity to conserve.

South Lantau is the canary in the coal mine on global diversity. Please share this post far and wide.

Current planning applications

Application No. A/SLC/178

Date of Application Received: 12/05/2023

Lots 62 (Part), 63, 64, 65, 66 S.B, 66 RP and 67 in D.D. 331L and Adjoining Government Land, Cheung Sha, Lantau Island

Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp (Caravan Holiday Camp) and Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Barbecue Site) with Ancillary Facilities for a Period of 5 Years and Associated Filling and Excavation of Land

No. of Comments on Application Already Received: 3

Application Available for Public Inspection Until (tentative date of meeting) 23/06/2023

Remark: Deferred on 23/06/2023

Application No. A/SLC/179

Date of Application Received: 12/05/2023

Location Lot 2402 in D.D. 316L, Pui O, Lantau Island

Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp and Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Barbecue Site) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land

Applicant’s Submission No softcopy provided by Applicant. Hardcopies available at Planning Enquiry Counters for inspection.

No. of Comments on Application Already Received: 5

Application Available for Public Inspection Until (tentative date of meeting): 23/06/2023

Remark: Deferred on 23/06/2023

Application No. A/SLC/180

Date of Application Received: 12/05/2023

Lot 2423 in D.D. 316L, Pui O, Lantau Island

Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp and Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Barbecue Site) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land

No. of Comments on Application Already Received: 5

Application Available for Public Inspection Until (tentative date of meeting): 23/06/2023

Remark: Deferred on 23/06/2023

Application No. A/SLC/181

Date of Application Received: 02/06/2023

Location Lot 2406 in D.D. 316L, Pui O, Lantau Island

Proposed Temporary Holiday Camp and Place of Recreation, Sports or Culture (Barbecue Site) for a Period of 3 Years and Associated Filling of Land

No. of Comments on Application Already Received: 69

Further Information Received on: 07/07/2023

Nature Clarification on the proposed arrangement of sewage discharge, drainage, waste disposal, provision of fire services installation, site access and noise mitigation measures in response to departmental comments without changing the scheme.

Application Available for Public Inspection Until (tentative date of meeting): 28/07/2023

Posted: 22 July 2023

Author: South Lantau Life

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