Local bytes (10 April 2023)

South Lantau in the news

News and bytes for the local community.

16 April 2023

Hong Kong to legalize e-scooters with speed capped at 25km/h

HK Standard:

“Lee believes the e-devices could aid citizens in remote areas to reach their destinations easier and can help Hong Kong move towards being a smart city.”

Read more: https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/4/202466/Hong-Kong-to-legalize-e-scooters-with-speed-capped-at-25km/h

21 March 2023

Conservation and development can ‘coexist,’ Hong Kong official says, amid concern over Lantau road expansion


“About 70 per cent of Lantau – the largest island in Hong Kong with a population of almost 200,000 – has been designated as country park, according to a government document.

The island ‘has a unique environment and is rich in natural and cultural resources’.”

Conservation and development can ‘coexist,’ Hong Kong official says, amid concern over Lantau road expansion

20 March 2023

‘Lantau road study needed, but aims must be clear’

“We have to keep in mind that, if you’re going to touch that road, it’s going to impact the slopes. The slope stabilisation along those roads has not been upgraded to the latest standards, so any work that’s going to be undertaken will probably have an impact on the vegetation around it, and that’s a real concern.”

Read more: https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1692672-20230320.htm

21 December 2022

Proposed Lantau artificial islands project slammed for HK$580 billion price tag, local transport needs


“A proposal for reclaiming land in Lantau’s eastern waters and creating a new urban centre was introduced in 2014. Carrie Lam turned the plan into one of her flagship policy schemes — Lantau Tomorrow Vision — and drew controversy.”

Proposed Lantau artificial islands project slammed for HK$580 billion price tag, local transport needs

Posted: 10 April 2023

Author: South Lantau Life

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