Be active.
Stay in touch and support local businesses.
South Lantau Life is a privately owned and independently operated a local business keeping everyone in the loop with local places to eat and shop and lots of fun things to do on the other south side of Hong Kong.
Join as an active member to share the best of South Lantau with residents and regulars and visitors enjoying the biggest back yard in Hong Kong.
South Lantau Life supports conservation efforts to preserve habitat for our remaining local buffalo herds working hard without pay to maintain the delicate balance and biodiversity of our critical wetland habitats that are unique to China and are disappearing at an accelerated pace with rapid development.
Invest in our local community
Membership fees pay for new features and plans include a local members forums, jobs board, online shop for local businesses. free local classifieds and buy nothing groups keep cool stuff out of the landfill.
10% of community membership fees will be donated to the South Lantau Buffalo Association operated by Jean Leung who tirelessly tends the buffalo herds while keeping the peace with their human neighbors.
Get involved
Build for tomorrow
Have fun out there
100% of all business revenues will be matched with full service promotion campaigns for local charity organizations to free up their resources so our local volunteers get on with what they do best.
✓ Save on published advertising rates
✓ Cross promote with featured campaigns
✓ Host and sponsor local community events
✓ Extend private offers to South Lantau residents
✓ Collaborate with integrated marketing promotions
Introduce yourself and your business programs (in your personal name)
Advertise your business products and services (one outlet only)
Promote your businesses and locations (companies with multiple brands and outlets)
Business membership is open by invitation (and application) to verified South Lantau residents and companies operating businesses on South Lantau.
Registered members join online discussions and provide the audience numbers (but no private details) that inform businesses when choosing to advertise with sponsored features and special offers for locals.
Be social
Keep in touch