
Share your articles or artwork with our community.

Five local features will be selected for publication each month, including fiction, poetry, photography, art, video, book excerpts or other formats not listed here. All submissions must be 100% human-created content related to South Lantau Life.

Free local submissions open on the first of each month.

Anyone can submit and there is no submission fee and local content is open to registered members of South Lantau Life.

Artists and photographers are encouraged to share your creativity with our community.


– Submit by email to southlantaulife [at] gmail [dot] com.

– Attach written materials in a MS Word or text file.

– Attach visual materials in .jpg or .png file or similar format.


– Maximum word count 1,000 but shorter is okay.

– Multiple submissions are allowed, but only one piece per author per quarter will be published.

– Multiple visual submissions are welcome from artists and photographers.

– Reprints are accepted but originals are preferred.

– Commercial art promoting business activities will be considered for advertising.

If you have questions about the magazine or the submissions process, send us a message here.
